Call for Applications: TULIPS - Auxilium & Caritas Award 2022

Deadline: June 1st, 2022

Are you a clinician scientist in Child Health, within 3 years of your PhD graduation, looking for opportunities to start your own research project? Apply for the TULIPS – Auxilium & Caritas Award! 

What is the TULIPS – Auxilium & Caritas Award?
The TULIPS – Auxilium & Caritas Award is a priming grant, intended to provide a young, talented researcher in Child Health with the opportunity to take the next step towards becoming an independent scientist. The grant will be awarded to one talented post-doctoral investigator. The grant provides €10,000,- for one year. The grant should be spent on protected research time during a clinical appointment to perform pilot research for a future grant proposal and make the next essential step in one’s career towards future leadership and clinical impact.


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